You Owe it To Yourself

You Owe it To Yourself voorzijde
You Owe it To Yourself achterzijde
  • You Owe it To Yourself voorkant
  • You Owe it To Yourself achterkant

You Owe it To Yourself, written by Kris Crews, is a self-reflection journal full of quotes, prompts, and free pages for solo processing. You Owe it To Yourself is here to help those on their self-discovery journey find healing, know themselves on a deeper level, prioritize their mental health, and remind them they're not alone as they work on taking care of themselves.

ISBN/EAN 9781329693036
Auteur Kris Crews, Crews
Uitgever Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Gebonden in harde band
Pagina's 72

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