Apex Hides the Hurt

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  • Apex Hides the Hurt achterkant

This New York Times Notable Book from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Underground Railroad is a brisk, comic tour de force about identity, history, and the adhesive bandage industry. The town of Winthrop has decided it needs a new name. The resident software millionaire wants to call it New Prospera; the mayor wants to return to the original choice of the founding black settlers; and the town's aristocracy sees no reason to change the name at all. What they need, they realize, is a nomenclature consultant. And, it turns out, the consultant needs them. But in a culture overwhelmed by marketing, the name is everything and our hero's efforts may result in not just a new name for the town but a new and subtler truth about it as well.

ISBN/EAN 9781400031269
Auteur Whitehead, Colson
Uitgever Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Paperback / gebrocheerd
Pagina's 224
Lengte 210.0 mm
Breedte 140.0 mm

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